Paper Hearts Bookstore

Paper Hearts is a thoughtfully curated bookstore in Little Rock, Arkansas with big dreams and starry eyes. We are dedicated to selling books that readers can connect with in an environment that fosters joy, community, acceptance, and meaningful conversation. Through books, events, and partnerships, we strive to sustainably support the community’s curiosity and creativity. We want readers to shop with us and leave with a little more joy than before, excited for their next read.

Beth Quarles, Owner

Beth began Paper Hearts with her dear pal, Adrienne. After working together at the same non-profit and talking about books before every meeting for nearly four years, they decided that swooning over books and making new bookish friends was all they ever wanted to do. Beth became sole owner in May 2022, but you are likely to still see Adrienne at pop-ups and book club as the love never dies. Beth has a deep love for nonfiction and children’s literature. She does devour fiction through when she needs a little escapism. Beth carefully curates a collection of books that captures diversity, imagination, and brings a smile to each reader’s face. Outside of Paper Hearts,Beth is always plotting ways to go back to school for yet another degree, planning some great travel adventure, or searching for the best food in whatever city she is in. She contains multitudes.

MK Rockett, Manager

MK is our manager and resident Taylor Swift expert. Working at Paper Hearts combines two things she loves: books & community. She admires the mission behind Paper Hearts and that it is an inclusive space for all. Building relationships with those in the community is one of her very favorite parts about working at a small business. MK reads a little bit of everything, but loves memoirs and young adult novels best. Her other hobbies include photography, birding, and vinyl record collecting. She loves traveling, specifically to the Pacific Northwest, and can usually find a fun coffee shop to visit in any city. You’ll find her at our brick and mortar most days. If you see her, ask for a book or music recommendation! 

Beth Quarles & Adrienne Autin

Co-founders of Paper Hearts Bookstore